Better late than never, eh? I recently came across a downloadable demo (dating from 2006) by a French outfit called Magister Dixit. Web research throws up very little information about them, but some commentators place the group within the 'Zeuhl' bracket along with Magma, Verto, Univers Zero and others. This certainly makes sense given the elements of jazz rock, chamber music and vocal chanting, but for those not fluent in Kobaian, I'd suggest Brooklyn's Dirty Projectors and Canterbury's Soft Machine as potentially helpful points of reference.
Whatever comparisons the group may inspire, this demo is one of the freshest and most rewarding discoveries I've made in recent months, so comes highly recommended. I wonder if they're still active...?
Whatever comparisons the group may inspire, this demo is one of the freshest and most rewarding discoveries I've made in recent months, so comes highly recommended. I wonder if they're still active...?